På IAM Festival 2024 dedikerer vi et par timer efter frokost til workshops om nogle af de mest aktuelle IAM-emner. En workshop varer en time og byder på indlæg, ekspertfortællinger og diskussioner hen over bordet. Workshops, der præsenteres på engelsk her på siden, vil som udgangspunkt også blive afholdt på engelsk. Alle kan være med - både dem, som vil diskutere aktivt og dem, som bare gerne vil lytte.
Vi tilstræber max. 15 personer på hver workshop, så du skal være hurtig på tilmeldingen, hvis du vil med på en bestemt workshop.
Du tilmelder dig workshops samtidig med, at du tilmelder dig IAM Festival 2024. Udfyld tilmeldingsformularen på denne side. Det er gratis at deltage.

Første workshoprunde (kl. 13:15-14:15)
Workshop 4 - Personalisering er Nirvana … kender du din IAM-vej derhen?
Vejen til et langt kundeforhold, øget share-of-wallet samt øget kundelivstidsværdi kommer igennem stærke, personaliserede, kundeoplevelser. Området er komplekst og mulighederne mange, og alt for få virksomheder udnytter potentialet og mulighederne for at komme helt tæt på kunderne med skræddersyede kundeprogrammer og personaliseret indhold på tværs af kanaler. I denne workshop dykker vi ned i ”best practices” for digital handel med særligt fokus på digitale identiteter og de Identity & Access Management-strategier, der er skræddersyet specifikt til digital handel (CIAM - Customer Identity Access Management). Vi kommer bl.a. omkring:
Optimering af den digitale identitet i brugerrejsen
Opbygning af kundetillid og –loyalitet
Personaliseret indhold på tværs af kanaler
Onboarding, single sign-on (SSO) og personalisering i hele brugerrejsen for at øge brugertilfredshed og konvertering.
Styrkelse af sikkerhedsforanstaltninger
Robuste loginmekanismer og svindeldetektion (identity proofing og fraud detection) for at styrke databeskyttelsen og tillid til onlinetransaktioner.
Gennemsigtig samtykkestyring (consent and preference management), beskyttelse af personhenførbare data og effektiv kommunikation.
Vært: Jesper Neergaard Paustian, Vice President, Digital Commerce, Columbus
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Jesper Neergaard Paustian har mere end 15 års erfaring indenfor Digital Commerce og har arbejdet med nogle af Skandinaviens største brands indenfor B2B/B2C/D2C. Han rådgiver omkring digital forretning, teknologi og optimering af den digitale tilstedeværelse med henblik på at skabe størst mulig værdi for både kunder og forretninger. |
Medvært: Tommy Petersen, Director IAM Advisory, Columbus Security
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Tommy Petersen har næsten 30 års erfaring med Identity and Access Management, både fra konsulentsiden, men også fra nogle af de største IAM software-huse i verden. Han har rådgivet om og leveret IAM til mange forskellige typer og størrelser af virksomheder ikke kun i Danmark, men også i Skandinavien, Europa og Mellemøsten. |
Workshop 5 - Decentralized Identity, the Tip of Identity’s Spear
Decentralised Identity solutions give users back the power to manage their personal data. They create a triangle of trust between the citizen, the issuers of identity attributes and the certifiers who guarantee their authenticity. Companies that are able to anticipate these changes and implement them will have a competitive advantage in terms of optimizing their processes, controlling their costs and streamlining their customer relations.
Vært: Mehmet Yaliman, Sr. Solutions Architect, Ping Identity
Mehmet Yaliman has been working in the Identity space for over a decade, spending time in various roles at the customer, integrator and vendor sides. In his current role at Ping Identity as a Sr. Solutions Architect he supports customers and prospects across EMEA to find the right solution for their next identity-related project. |
Workshop 6 - Weaving Your Zero Trust Identity Fabric
Join this workshop to discuss how you could achieve a mature security model aligned to Zero Trust principles with Identity at the core. The workshop will be a mix of expert talk, topics for discussion and relevant use cases. The workshop will be led by Peter Dulay, Security & Integration Adoption Advisor, Broadcom.
Vært: Peter Dulay, Security & Integration Adoption Advisor, Broadcom
Peter Dulay has over 25 years of information technology experience with 20+ years in Cyber Security. He has been advising customers Worldwide including Fortune 500 companies in the area of Identity and Access Management in both on-premises and cloud environments. Peter holds Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) certifications in the information security area. |
Workshop 13 - Privileged Access Management for Cloud
Keeping the cloud secure is vital to your organization's success. And as cloud environments expand, so do the difficulties for Identity Security programs. Today many organizations are struggling with managing excessive permissions in-, and providing secure access to their multi-cloud environments.
We will cover the complexities of the new cloud environments and why new security methods are needed: The ability to provision on-the-fly the right entitlements for the right circumstance for the right person, is the only way to balance security and velocity. Zero Standing Privilege is the only way to achieve these goals.
Vært: Bart Bruijnesteijn, Solutions Engineering Director - North Europe, CyberArk
Bart Bruijnesteijn, Solutions Engineering Director - North Europe, CyberArk Based in Amsterdam, Bart is an IT Security professional with 25 years of experience in IT Security solution architecture, pre-sales and consultancy. Prior to joining CyberArk in 2015, Bart held several technical and leadership roles at IBM, Consul Risk Management and BMC Software. Bart is a frequent speaker at Cybersecurity events in Europe and is ISC2 - CISSP certified. |
Workshop 14 - Unleashing Security for non-employee identities
Providing third parties with internal access to data and systems has become a regular business practice for many organizations as they utilize an ever-growing number of different types of non-employees – be it consultants, suppliers, dealers, franchise, or nonhuman accounts, including robotics to increase efficiency and profits. Unfortunately, most organizations do not have automated identity programs for these non-employees and the risk of a high-profile and costly breach continues to increase. According to a recent report, 51% of organizations attribute their data breaches to giving privileged access to third parties. During the workshop, we will discuss:
- How can we mitigate risk around non-employees by having a centralized view of all of the non-employees and ongoing risk exposure
- The power of delegated administration and how it can scale your non-employee program according to your business needs
- How the fusion of flexibility, scalability, and security empowers businesses to seamlessly manage onboarding, offboarding, and access for transient users.
- Key considerations needed to make well-informed, risk-based decisions about provisioning, verifying, and deprovisioning access to non-employees.
Vært: Rasmus Schewenius Lund, Senior Solution Engineer, SailPoint
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Rasmus Schewenius Lund has a long background in Identity, working with both requirements, project management, strategy advisory and sales of Identity & Access Management solutions. |
Workshop 1 - Round table discussion: AI Driven Identity
Join us for an in-depth roundtable discussion on the role of AI in Identity and Access Management. Engage with industry experts as we delve into the practical implications, real life challenges and business benefits of integrating AI into your IAM strategies. Gain valuable insights from your peers and from IAM industry leader SailPoint into the future landscape of Identity Security and walk away with a clear path to action for your specific challenges.
Workshop 2 - Få indblik i jeres IGA-modenhed
Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) er et domæne i konstant udvikling. Det indeholder flere niveauer, hvor det kan være udfordrende at avancere til det næste trin. I denne session vil Omada præsentere nogle af de mest udbredte udfordringer og komme med anbefalinger til, hvordan I kan overkomme dem. Der vil være afsat tid til kommentarer, diskussioner om anbefalingerne og deling af udfordringer på tværs af deltagerne.
Workshop 3 - How to secure your access and protect your identities OBS. FULDT BOOKET!
Join this workshop as we dive into the realm of advanced Identity & Access Management solutions and learn to navigate and secure complex digital environments seamlessly. This session is designed for those eager to adopt innovative strategies for Identity and Access Management with Zero Trust framework. Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the skills needed to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of Identity and Access Management.
Anden workshoprunde (kl. 14:30-15:30)
Workshop 10 - Rapidly Protect Your Users with Advanced Threat Intelligence
Customize digital experiences that increase trust and reduce fraud with the 5 elements of threat protection: smart detection, dynamic policies, risk insights, seamless integration, and centralized management. Detect fraud and respond to ever-changing threats with visibility into attack vectors, session telemetry, and user behavior.
Vært: Mehmet Yaliman, Sr. Solutions Architect, Ping Identity
Mehmet Yaliman has been working in the Identity space for over a decade, spending time in various roles at the customer, integrator and vendor sides. In his current role at Ping Identity as a Sr. Solutions Architect he supports customers and prospects across EMEA to find the right solution for their next identity-related project. |
Workshop 7 - Unleashing Security for non-employee identities
Providing third parties with internal access to data and systems has become a regular business practice for many organizations as they utilize an ever-growing number of different types of non-employees – be it consultants, suppliers, dealers, franchise, or nonhuman accounts, including robotics to increase efficiency and profits. Unfortunately, most organizations do not have automated identity programs for these non-employees and the risk of a high-profile and costly breach continues to increase. According to a recent report, 51% of organizations attribute their data breaches to giving privileged access to third parties. During the workshop, we will discuss:
- How can we mitigate risk around non-employees by having a centralized view of all of the non-employees and ongoing risk exposure
- The power of delegated administration and how it can scale your non-employee program according to your business needs
- How the fusion of flexibility, scalability, and security empowers businesses to seamlessly manage onboarding, offboarding, and access for transient users.
- Key considerations needed to make well-informed, risk-based decisions about provisioning, verifying, and deprovisioning access to non-employees.
Workshop 8 - IAM’s vital position in security incidents: Securing the core of Access and Identity
In this workshop we will explore the vital role IAM plays in major breaches and why it stands as the cornerstone for the engagements of the incident response teamwork. Witness non-technical demos unveiling two common threat actor tactics: Kerberoasting in Active Directory and bypassing MFA in Entra ID. Learn how easy it is to escalate privileges post-access and why securing IAM is a top priority, irrespective of organizational size. Finally, gain insights on post-breach recovery strategies – Greenfield or restoring trust in the old environment.
Workshop 9 - SMART recertificeringer
På denne workshop ser vi nærmere på, hvordan du kan drive compliance og reducere risici i tæt samarbejde med forretningen.
Workshop 11 - Privileged Access Management for Cloud
Keeping the cloud secure is vital to your organization's success. And as cloud environments expand, so do the difficulties for Identity Security programs. Today many organizations are struggling with managing excessive permissions in-, and providing secure access to their multi-cloud environments.
We will cover the complexities of the new cloud environments and why new security methods are needed: The ability to provision on-the-fly the right entitlements for the right circumstance for the right person, is the only way to balance security and velocity. Zero Standing Privilege is the only way to achieve these goals.
Workshop 12 - How to secure your access and protect your identities
Join this workshop as we dive into the realm of advanced Identity & Access Management solutions and learn to navigate and secure complex digital environments seamlessly. This session is designed for those eager to adopt innovative strategies for Identity and Access Management with Zero Trust framework. Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself with the skills needed to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of Identity and Access Management.
1:1 møde med eksperterne
Du har mulighed for at booke et 20 minutters møde med vores eksperter fra Columbus Security eller en af festivalens partnere:
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