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Short facts

  • Document management with M-Files have freed up time for core tasks
  • All documents have been made available offline
  • Inspiration for new functionality and different solutions has been drawn from the iStone User Forum

About Plan International

Plan International is an NGO with operations in 75 countries. Their work is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Plan International has been active in Sweden since 1997 and have presently more than 80 people working at the head office in Stockholm.



Applications and other important documents are central for Plan International's operation. Efficient and user-friendly document management is a prerequisite to make sure employees spend their time doing the right things.


Every project at Plan International is surrounded by a variety of important documents. Previously, an unreasonable amount of the employees' time have been spent looking for important information and documents in folders and e-mail programs, time that had been better spent on other tasks. It seemed impossible to create a folder structure that was logical and accessible to all users.

M-Files could meet the needs

Streamlining processes and releasing time to focus on the core business was the starting point of the requirement specification Plan International made for the choice of new system. Making documents available offline for employees who worked locally around the world was another important requirement.

iStone offered a simple solution with M-Files, which covered the existing needs but also allowed space to grow and develop. This was in 2014 and iStone had just started working with M-Files.

"We could tell that M-Files was a new product to iStone at the time, but that was balanced with Istone's great sensitivity to our needs, both on the sales and technology side," says Nidall Fayez, CIO at Plan International.

The procject expanded

The organisation works with different types of activities, which meant that new prerequisites and needs were discovered during the project. This led to the fact that the implementation dragged on, but despite that the project met the budget and iStone delivered a solution according to the offer.

The file server is no longer in use

Nowadays all the departments work independently with M-Files and it works well. Employees have learned to use meta-data, and do not have to spend time understanding other department's folder structures. The old file server is no longer in use, and all employees access the necessary documents offline, wherever they are located in the world.

"We handle most of the system management ourselves, but sometimes we use the iStone User Forum to exchange thoughts and ideas about different needs and solutions," says Nidall Fayez.

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